?pecialisti v oblasti útovníctva a finannej kontroly

  • ?pecialisti v oblasti útovníctva a finannej kontroly

    Company Swiss Re Management AG, organizačná zložka in Bratislava-Staré Mesto
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Have you ever dreamed of handling piles of money? Then this is the right career opportunity for you. Why do we believe so? Well, we are the payments and receipts team, responsible for all incoming and outgoing payments of Swiss Re. We ensure that we pay out that hundred million dollar claim on time, but also that we don't miss a ten euro invoice for apples brough to our offices.About the RoleIf you join us, you will perform various tasks. Among others, you will process payments, perform account reconciliations, divide and accurate previously received installments. You will also actively communicate with banks investigating and resolving discrepancies in account movements. You will become a part of an outstanding team with team members that support each other and help new-joiners assimilate...

  • ?pecialisti v oblasti útovníctva a finannej kontroly

    Company Swiss Re Management AG, organizačná zložka in Bratislava-Staré Mesto
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    About the roleIn this role, you will learn how to:- process supplier invoices, book them to the expense accounts, and verify correctness of each invoice- process travel expenses of our employees- communicate with our branches regarding invoice status, payment dates, discrepancies, and run various ad hoc reports- participate on the quarterly closing activities- perform reconciliationsAbout the teamThere are 22 team members, who are organized in two smaller teams, based on the countries we support. We are dedicated, collaborative people working in dynamic and knowledge-sharing environment.Our purpose is, that all invoices and travel expenses are paid correctly and on time. We support all areas of Swiss Re business across whole company structure.In our Finance community, you will have the opp...

  • ?pecialisti v oblasti útovníctva a finannej kontroly

    Company Deloitte Tax s. r. o. in Bratislava-Staré Mesto
    03.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    1. Koordinácia poskytovania sluieb daového poradenstva a útovníctva podnikateom/investorom z Kórei pôsobiacim v Slovenskej republike, prezentácia výsledkov, komunikácia s klientami.2. Poskytovanie útovných a ekonomických poradenských sluieb klientom zamestnávatea pochádzajúcimi z Kórei.- Aplikácia výstupov iniciatívy BEPS do praxe.- Stanovenie funkného a rizikového profilu spolonosti.- Analýza pouitenosti metód transferového oceovania.- Ekonomická analýza kontrolovaných transakcií – urenie vhodného testovacieho kritéria, vyhadávanie v databázach (AMADEUS a iné), úprava výslednej vzorky, interpretácia výsledkov.- Identifikácia potenciálnych obchodných príleitostí a analýza poiadaviek klientov zamestnávatea pochádzajúcimi z Kórei.- Rozvoj a udriavanie vzahov so súasnými a potenciálnymi klien...