4 Jobs found
Used filters: - Personnel and careers professionalsx
Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
Company LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r. o.
in Dubnica
27.10.2024 Updated on: 29.10.2024
'- Develops and executes the employer branding strategy by Identifying the organization's unique selling points as an employer and develops a messaging framework to communicate those points to target audiences- Creates and manages employer branding campaigns by Creating and implementing marketing and advertising campaigns that promote the organization's employer brand- Builds and maintains relationships with employees: by working with HR and other departments to ensure that employees have a positive experience working for the organization and are willing to promote the employer brand- Monitors and analyzes employer brand metrics by Tracking metrics such as employee engagement, turnover rates, and candidate feedback to evaluate the success of employer branding efforts and make adjustments a...
Company KONE Business Services, s.r.o.
in Bratislava-Nové Mesto
16.10.2024 Updated on: 23.10.2024
• Contribute in development, maintenance and improvement of the support provided by P&C Services for People and Communication (further only P&C) processes including Workday functionalities• Participate to daily P&C Services delivery and support P&C Services Agents and Analysts in resolving different queries in Performance and Reward area (further only P&R) or any other P&C Services areas• Review the processes from centralized P&C service delivery perspective to provide input for the P&R Managers, P&C Services and Centres of Expertise (CoE) and P&R teams to ensure process alignment with KONE business strategy, operational strategy and global processes and solutions• Regular support in reporting to any relevant P&R party or community in order to achieve alignment of global and lo...
Company Okresný súd Levice
in Levice
16.10.2024 Updated on: 17.10.2024
Company STD DONIVO a.s.
in Zvolen
15.10.2024 Updated on: 21.10.2024
Špecialista v oblasti personalistiky- komunikácia s vodimi- zodpovednos za obsadenie vo vozidlách- striedanie vodiov- evidencia a riešenie nahlásených dovoleniek a vona- evidencia vodiov v internom systéme- komunikácia v ruskom jazykuVýhody:stravné lístky hradí zamestnávate v plnej výške 8,00 eur , sociálny fond, firemný telefón...